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Showing posts from March, 2009

HYC/BLBE Weigh in

3/31/09 254.6 to 254lbs. I tossed .6lbs and feel a sense of relief. I feel like I have been trying to step over a hump and couldn't quite get my leg up, kwim? Didn't get to 240s for March, but I'm okay with that. In fact I couldn't be happier. Why? Because I was able to do this... I came home from work, we had some burgers on the grill and baked fries, and spent the rest of the evening outside playing. And yep, mama got her tushy in the playhouse with the kiddos. Hubby got the camera and just HAD to get a picture. He said he didn't think I would ever go in there. I think he was proud of me too. This is the reason I am tossing these pounds, so I can enjoy life with my family. I want them to know mama as a healthy woman, one full of life, happy in the Lord, and beloved by her family. I don't want to hide this journey I'm on, but I pray that God uses it to edify and encourage others also. I can't do this on my own. Been there, done that but I can do it t...

My Life. In Pictures. - Day 2

Here is day 2: "What is on your table?" Check out Amber's site for some more pics :) This is my ceder chest. It was my great grandmother's. On it is her lamp, a picture of me and hubby, a bible, red flowers and figurine of a woman that my mother gave me. Sorry it is so far away. The picture kept coming out white. I don't know what is going on with the flash???? Why can't anything ever be easy?!?!? LOL!

How are you doing it? Thanks for asking :)

Michele was kind to visit today and being a new friend, wanted to know how I have been tossing these pounds. (I use the word "toss" because I'm not losing the weight. I don't want to find it ever again. Instead, I am tossing it away, tossing it off my body and picking up a new mantle to cover myself with. A mantle of good health.) I'm tossing this weight with a lot of prayer Michele. I finally realized I can't be this "giant" on my own, so like David, I put my whole trust in the Lord. I am using tools that God gave me. First is that I won a 3 mo. membership to WW online. When I finally stop trying in my own power and turned to Him, he opened this door for me. I have con't to use WW online with hubby's, and I journal everything I put in my mouth. Second is I started using the feet he gave me. I got off my tushy and started moving. The key is that I didn't stop. The flesh is weak. This was and is a huge battle for me. But I didn't and ...

My Life. In Pictures. - Day 1

Amber is hosting a challenge. Since I looove taking pictures, I couldn't pass this one up! Today the challenge is a photograph of something new. I love the look of "new" snow before it gets all muddy and slushy and icky and gross. I'm just weird like that ;)

Not Me Monday- Stellan Style!

f Kelly is hosting a special "Not Me Monday". Here's what she wrote... As we are all aware, Not Me! Monday was started by MckMama. "I created Not Me! Monday for the purpose of confessing our shortcomings and imperfections to each other since, after all, we are all only human!" (MckMama's words) Every Monday, you can find more "Not Me! Monday" at her site . However, this week, in honor of her and Baby Stellan, we're doing "Not Me! Monday - Stellan Style!" This week, it's our chance to HONOR MckMama and Stellan with our Not Me! Mondays. It is Not Me praying daily for baby Stellan. It is Not Me who God placed this family so much on my heart. It is Not Me who holds my kiddos a little bit tighter especially my Emily who just turned 6 months old. It is Not Me who starts crying when I'm driving from patient to patient, because I'm thinking about Stellan, asking the age old question... WHY?!?! It is Not Me who dreads getting on ...

Sunday Blessings

Welcome to my first ever hosted meme. I decided a while ago to give God all the glory on this journey called my life. One way that I do this, is to thank him for the blessings that he has given me. And since Sunday is the day of rest and worship, what better day is there to have Sunday Blessings. So I invite you all to join me in this weekly meme; and let us give ourselves the fellowship and support as sisters in Christ, and God the glory. My Sunday Blessing this week is my hubby. Chris is always a blessing and wonderful; but this week, he has blessed me immensly. When you always have "something", you can start to take it for granted. My husband is always a blessing, and I take it for granted. My blessing in him is unconditional. You know it is a special blessing, when you don't deserve it. This was a week where nothing seemed to be going right. Yesterday it kind of reached its peak, and my mood reflected it. My hubby could have got disgusted with me; and I would have des...

One of those days...

Ever have one of those day where you just want to go back to bed? That's me today. I'm in a funky mood and everyone is tip-toeing around mama :( I think my biggest problem is I'm down in the dumps about not losing anything. I know weigh is Tuesday, but I just can't seem to break out of the 250s. I've been hanging around here for a month now. Gaining 3 lbs a couple of weeks ago didn't help. I keep thinking I should be minus those three right now, kwim? I stayed within my points today, but they were not "good" choices. It was "bad" food in moderation (means smaller portions and I'm still hungry); and now I feel yucky which doesn't help with my mood. The good news is that I finished taking all the wallpaper down in the bathroom and started my bedroom. Hubby is very positive and encouraging with my re-decorating. He's tolerating my mood and actually thinks its funny. I think he said 3 or 4 times, "I've never seen you like thi...

Weekly Goodness

Seems like Friday is going to be my fun meme day... well I can't give up my "Not Me Mondays" those are too much fun too. But I found this great one from Golden Goodness ... this blog gets the thumbs up:) My weekly dose of Goodness!! 1. Do you prefer to write with pen or pencil? I like a pen that flows nicely and doesn't run out. 2. What was off limits to you growing up that you do all the time now? SLEEPING IN!!!!! I was never allowed growing up :( LOL 3. What is the age difference between you and your spouse? 2 1/2 yrs difference 4. Did you hurt yourself in anyway this week? YES!!! I burned my pointer finger from steam when I was taking the foil of the lasagna. It hust SOOOOO bad :( 5. Do you like wallpaper enough to hang it in your home? As a matter of fact, I'm in the process of redoing the bathroom. I'm taking off the old paper, and I have a really nice plaid instead. 6. What do you need to do that you've been putting off? Weeding the front garden and...

Friday Fill-ins

#117 by Janet This week, I took the first sentence in 6 of my favorite fill them in...with the right words or even better, ones of your own. we go! 1. "In a hole in the ground there lived a bunch of woozels ." (think Whinnie the Pooh, lol) 2. " It's cold out but that ain't no matter." I'm still gonna exercise today :) 3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, leaving the promise of a new fresh start the next morning." 4. " riches from the hold of the Spanish galleon." (brain fart here, lol.) 5. "There was a hand in the darkness, and I knew it was holding onto me and supporting me even though I couldn't see around me. " Thank you Lord 6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, so I thank God for my protection ." 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to Easter Bunny Lane at Kraynaks (local store that has awesome holiday displays, its a tourist attraction) , ...

Answer me this...God Songs?

I am a praise and worshipper. I used to lead praise and worship at my old church, and music is very central in my walk with the Lord. Throughout various points in my life, God gives me a song, and in some cases two or three, that ministers to my life, my heart and my spirit man. It always comes at just that perfect moment when I need it the most. Some songs I have sang and know growing up, and some are brand new for the first time. I love these "God Songs". It doesn't matter if it is fast or slow, I'm usually crying and worshipping at the same time, lol. The Holy Spirit rises up in me and my situation, and it's like "Yes Lord... right on, your here with me." If you've been reading for a while, you'll know my current giant is my weight. I have been overweight my whole life, but it wasn't until I had my last baby, that God showed me how I needed to make changes in my life, not for me but for my babies. I was never afraid of death or dying. I re...

HYC/BLBE Weigh in

3/24/09: 254.6 to 254.6lbs , tossed zip this past week. The scale kept jumping this morning between 253 and 254 so I decided to keep it real and go with my same weight. I think my biggest problem is my "monthly aunt visit". Oh well, here's lookin' to next weight in. I have to admit this week was hectic, and I didn't exercise like I did last week. Last week, I was so focused on tossing those 3lbs I gained 2 weeks ago, but I promise I didn't take this week off. I was just refocused, lol. I had some really great NSVs. I went to a party, out to dinner twice with family, concert and dinner once, and I didn't gain any weight. That is a big achievement for Ms. Social Eater (me), lol. I made some great food choices. So I'm really happy with this weigh in, kwim? But even with making the right choices, I still cannot only rely on just myself in this journey. The Lord gave me this promise to stand on... This wks scripture: When you bow down before the Lord ...

Prayer for Stellan

In instead of Not Me Monday, I wanted to ask for prayer for baby Stellan. Our hostess for "Not Me Mondays" McMomma is at the hospital right now with her baby. His little heart is not working properly right now. Here is her link: My Charming Kids. She is an amazing momma, standing on the Word of God. Please pray for a miraculous healing, peace in this situation, wisdom for the doctors and rest for mama and baby.

Sunday Blessings

Welcome to my first ever hosted meme. I decided a while ago to give God all the glory on this journey called my life. One way that I do this, is to thank him for the blessings that he has given me. And since Sunday is the day of rest and worship, what better day is there to have Sunday Blessings. So I invite you all to join me in this weekly meme; and let us give ourselves the fellowship and support as sisters in Christ, and God the glory. My Sunday Blessing this week is my Bible study group. It is call Journey Group. Our church has a couple of them to get plugged into. Mine is a young couples/people group, mid twenty-thirty somethings. Most of our kiddos are 5 and under. It is a wonderful group to get together with every other week. Our church is quite large and to get to know anyone, you have to participate in groups, activites and such. I am truly blessed that hubby and I are plugged into such a great group of believers to fellowship with.

I'm feeling the Blogland love :)

This seems to be a good week for awards. This time I was blessed by my Blogland friend Bonnie (Seriously Too: Weight for It). I was thinking about these awards. It really is a nice way to recognize someone. Thank you again Bonnie. I'm supposed to list 7 things I love and then pass it along. 1. I Love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2. I Love my husband Chris. 3. I Love my kiddos, Jessica, Sam and Emily. 4. I Love my family. 5. I Love my my best friend, Jen. 6. I Love my church family. 7. I love my blogland friends who encourage me on this journey to a healthier me. So now I get to pass it on... Here you go Dee (Ds Health and Weight Loss Journey) . Her blog is very creative and such a blessing and support to me. It is one of my favorites.

A Blogger Blessing and A little fun

I have been blessed by meeting some pretty special ladies during this journey and one such wonderful blessing is Joan (More God-Less Me ). She was gracious is honoring me along with six others with these nice "awards" plus throwing in a little fun with a get to know ya meme. Thank you Joan. The text from these awards: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to a few bloggers who must choose a few more bloggers and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.” My blogland friend, Joan tagged me with this meme too... There are some rules with this tag: I need to link to the person that tagged me. I need to share 7 things people may not know about me. I need to tag 7 people to share 7 things and link to ...

HYC/BLBE Weigh in

3-17-09: 258 to 254.6lbs YEAH!!!! I tossed 3.4 lb this past week. Coming off a 3lb gain was actually a good thing for me. You see, before, the old Sandy would blow it, throw her hands in the air and promise to get back on track "someday"; but someday would never come. A year later and "someday" still never showed up. Yep, that was me. I lived that cycle for 20 years. This was my biggest gain since starting my "for real healthy journey". I persevered, took some great advice this past week like drinking more water, and I challenged my self to try something new and that was running. Quick take on running... MAN! IT IS HARD!!!!! I am still not sure that God created our legs for running, lol. I was able to run a mile, first in place with Wii Fit and then on the treadmill, reeeeal slow. I decided to celebrate my toss, that I would run out in public, in my neighborhood. So I clocked 1 mile in the car before going home after work, I changed, told hubby I was goin...

Not Me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama . You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week It wasn't me who let Jessica go to school without her hair combed because she slept in and didn't have everything pack and was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. (It wasn't pretty this morning). It wasn't me who skipped exercising 2 days in a row. Nope, I wouldn't do that. I exercise eeeevery day ;) It wasn't me who contemplated letting her runny nose, coughing son walk on the cold concrete because he took his shoes off before we got home especially when his mama told him not to. It was not me who wanted to strangle him all this past week because he hit the terrible twos, two months early. It was not me who sent Jess to bed without dinner because she refused to eat. Really it wasn't...that was daddy, lol. She ate like a horse the next day. It was not me who went down ano...

Christian Homemaker Network

I am so excited that I can shout from the rooftops. I belong to a wonderful group of sister in Christ, and WE HAVE A NEW HOME and NAME!!!!! Formally, it was Titus 2 Christian Homemaker, but it is now Christian Homemaker Network . God's hand has moved in certain situations and have provided through the faithfulness and diligence of Godly women, a site to encourage, teach and edify other women. God is so good, and I have met some wonderful women to fellowship with, pray with, cry with, laugh with, joke with and it is all online. Go figure, a great site online, lol. I am personally inviting you to come on over. I know you will be blessed.

Sunday Blessings

Welcome to my first ever hosted meme. I decided a while ago to give God all the glory on this journey called my life. One way that I do this, is to thank him for the blessings that he has given me. And since Sunday is the day of rest and worship, what better day is there to have Sunday Blessings. So I invite you all to join me in this weekly meme; and let us give ourselves the fellowship and support as sisters in Christ, and God the glory. My Sunday Blessing this week is my home well namely my kitchen. I admit I was starting to get discontent with what I had in my home. I call the "Jones' Syndrome" aka I want what they have. I go into homes all over the area because of my job. Well, I finally crossed the threshold of my first multi-million dollor home and in my finacially depressed area the average home is $30,000. The home was amazing, and the kitchen was my dream kitchen. I wanted to stay in that room the most, lol. Needless to say, when I returned home that night. I w...

Simply Saturday

Simply Saturday- Sick Days 1. Do you take the day off, if you can, to care for sick kiddos? ~Either I do or hubby does. Our back up plan is my mom but that is our last resort. 2. Do you make them a comfy spot on the sofa? ~They get to watch TV on Mommy and Daddy's bed all snuggled up with Mommy or Daddy. 3. Do you let them do things you normally wouldn't do on a weekday? ~No. But they haven't got the concept of trying to fake it yet :) 4. What kind of comfort things do you do? ~Cuddling, TV, movies, lots of drinks, they get to pick out dinner. 5. Do you end up disinfecting each and every surface they might have come contact with? ~Alas, this mama is lax in this area. I usually am the tissue/ wet wipe meaning thanks to Daddy but I don't disinfect all their things.

Friday Fill ins

#115 by Janet we go! 1. When I look to the left, I see my picture wall . 2. Living room is the room that has the best view in my home. 3. Let it work on the first time, pleeeease. 4. Hugs are done dirt cheap! They don't cost nothing but will make someone's day 5. Speaking English is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share. 6. If you have any warm weather feel free to send it my way . 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to decluttering my life from material items , tomorrow my plans include con't with the decluttering and Sunday, I want to go to church and then relax from all the decluttering!

Africa missions *update

In Febuary, my parents went to Africa on a mission trip with our church. They were gone for two weeks. It was no pleasure trip in that they worked from the moment they got up until their heads touch the pillow at night. Our local newspaper interviewed them and our pastor, and wrote an article about the trip. My mom's picture even made the front page which in it self is pretty cool if you ask me. God is so good and faithful. I can go on and on of how his hand was the the team and this trip. Here is the article in the Vindicator...

HYC/BLBE Weigh in

3-10-09: 255 to 258 lbs. Well everyone, this past week has been a fun time of fellowship, food, fellowship, food, food... did I mention food? LOL. I kinda took yesterday off from blogging especially about my weight. This is my first big gain and yuck. I'm ready to toss all this weight, like yesterday. The scale was kind even though...did I mention food?...I was not as diligent as I should have been. I'm up 3 lbs from last week. BUT!!!!! I did do something that I have never done before... I RAN 1 mile on Monday!!!!! I was still in shock so I did it again on Tuesday; and in about 30 mins, I'm gonna do it again today. ...So there you crummy three pounds. You won't be staying long if I have anything to say about it, lol. I have to admit, I was down in the dumps Monday because I knew that scale wasn't going to say 255 or less on Tuesday. I just knew it wouldn't. I'm always the first to encourage my blogland friends, but I wasn't having it yesterday...

Not Me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama . You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Well, I have to admit my twin was at it again. It was not me who decided to run around without a jacket all weekend, and left said jacket across the great state of PA., and is now fighting off a cold. It was also not me who yelled at hubby because he wasn't wearing one either... well nag is a better word than yell. Nope, I would never do that. It was not me who willing ate cake, chocolate, tacos, subs... oh never mind... who ate about 20,000 calories this past week along with all of her flex points. It is also not me who is considering skipping weigh in tomorrow. Nope I won't do that (really, I won't. I'll weigh in with fingers crossed that the damage is not tooooooo bad) Can't wait until next week to see what I won't do. :)

Sunday Blessings

Welcome to my first ever hosted meme. I decided a while ago to give God all the glory on this journey called my life. One way that I do this, is to thank him for the blessings that he has given me. And since Sunday is the day of rest and worship, what better day is there to have Sunday Blessings. So I invite you all to join me in this weekly meme; and let us give ourselves the fellowship and support as sisters in Christ, and God the glory. My Sunday Blessing this week is all of you. I have come to meet many wonderful blogland friends over the last year. I have met even more when I came to Blogger. The internet is another tool that can be used to glorify the Lord, but it is also another way to meet, support and pray for others. I have found support through you gals that I never knew exsisted. Not only while facing this "giant" (my weight); but also through your prayers for me and my family, and the laughs and good sense of fun that many of you have. So I thank you for being a ...

Simple Saturday- Birthdays

Jen's meme today is birthdays: Do you have your party at home or somewhere else? We have it at our home. Luckily we have a great backyard for entertaining. The furniture is set up on the deck for the adults, and the toys are in the yard (which is fenced) for the kiddos. Our deck is also on the ground so there are no steps to worry about anyone getting hurt... unfortunately with my family there is always one who finds a way, but the guests are safe, lol. My kitchen window is also facing the patio, so I am spoiled in that I don't have to go out the sliding glass door to take stuff outside. I just pass to through the window. It is especially nice during the clean up. Is it just family, or do you invite other children? With the kiddos being so young, it's just family and family friends with kiddo that come. Usually around 25 people. Makes for a nice size party. I have a couple of years before I have to worry about the school friends. And I will NEVER EVER EVER have a party at...