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ScrapBook Blessings Club Launch Party Blog!!!


YES!!! I can't believe it is finally here!!!  I am so excited to announce the OFFICIAL launch of the Scrapbook Blessing Club Tutorial Blog and Facebook Group!!!

We have a great "party" for you today. First off, we have an awesome blog hop for you! And after you you met the new design team and are done hopping, you can head over to the Facebook Group for a fun game of Scrapbook Bingo (this starts at 11 am EST so make sure you get your words in before hand) and our SBC Scavenger Hunt (this game will start at 12 pm EST).  and starting at 6 pm EST, we will have a couple more fun games! So, come over to the group to win some great prizes!

***to play with the games at SBC Facebook Group, you will have to be a member, but the design team will be on and be accepting memberships as fast as we can !

You will be hopping to each of the DT personal blogs to see their favorite tutorial and project. Each DT will be giving away a great prize. All you have to do is leave a comment on their post, follow them and be a SBC follower! Winners will be announced on Wed, Oct 9th.

 Now to get this party started, let me introduce our new SBC design team! You will be able to read a little about them and then hop over to their blogs. So without further ado...

ScrapBook Blessings Club Design Team 
Hi Friends, Sandy here! I am married and a working (full-time) mom of three, living here is "sunny" Ohio.  I started scrapbooking 10 years ago and card making 3 years ago.  It is my stress reliever after I get the kiddos to bed. I love the sense of accomplishment when I look at the finished product and making gifts for others. 

I am owner/administrator here at SBC which started as my personal blog but has since evolved into something bigger and better. I just started using digital stamps and rubber stamps, but my Cricut is my first love. I can't scrap without my die cutting machines, Gypsy, Cuttlebug, and I am a paper addict/ makings of a scrapbook hoarder.  I scrapbook almost daily and love, love, love learning new techniques and tutorials. That's about it. I am a simple crafter that likes to have fun with my family, friends and scrapbook bloggies.
My tip for you: Don't be intimidated by someone else work. We were all beginners at one point. So create what you want, not what you think everyone wants to see!
I have a personal blog at A Working Mom's Joy and started making my own You Tube videos at

 Hello!  My name is Cindy Messer.  I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband and to be a stay at home mom to two beautiful kids.  I've been crafting in one form or another for as long as I can remember.  Cards, mini albums, and home décor projects are my favorites.  I love to learn new things and try different techniques.  I also love to cook and bake.  And I'm very excited to be a part of the Scrapbook Blessings Club DT!!

A little tip I picked up:  don't throw away those left overs from your pop dots.  Cut them down and use them on bigger things you want to pop up/add dimension to :-) 

Hello I am an accountant by trade and nature, and a scrapbooker by heart. I am married to my college sweetheart and a proud mom of a tuxie: Sylvester (you can often see him on my video tutorials).
I enjoy using products to their fullest, often combining them or modifying them to get the most bang for the buck. 
My favorite crafty tip is... do a rough sketch before you start. It helps visualize and have a starting point when creating.
You can visit me at and

My name is Marilyn Leonard.  I live in Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains. My husband and I have three grown children - a daughter and two boys.   Two are married and one will be married soon.  We also have three grandchildren.   During the day I work as a geology technician for an Oil & Gas producer. In the evenings and on weekends, I get my craft on and enjoy making cards and playing with my Cricut. 
My tip is:  add layers.  I think almost everything looks better layered.  It will kick your card up a notch taking it from ho-hum to wow.
Hi, I am Carolyn Smith, originally from Indiana, but now live in Alabama.  Retired widow and mother to one son, in the U.S. Army and presently living in Korea; and step-mama to a step-daughter and step-son, both residing in Indiana.  I started with scrapping a book for my granddaughter, and from there I have scrapbooks in progress for each grand kids and great-grand kids.  Became addicted to rubber stamping in 2005 after attending a party, and use digital stamps now in my crafting.  I also enjoy crocheting, quilting and reading good books.  As I told my daughter-in-law, scrapping is a work of Love for the person who will be receiving the album.
My tip for you:  when crafting, and feeling frustrated with what you're doing, or sense a certain tenseness take a short break.  Do something else for a short while, than come back to your project.  It works for me.

Hello there, my name is Cristina Ojeda. I live in Brentwood Ca. I am a mother of two amazing and funny kids and married to my high school sweetheart who has always been a huge supporter in my crafting world. I started scrapbooking when I was 15 years old and I continue to challenge myself with new techniques. I enjoy making layouts, mini albums, altered items, and cards. Crafting is truly a passion for me and I am very happy to be able to share with you my new adventure with Scrapbook Blessings.
My tip for you: Save those left over scraps. They are great when you need to make a quick project or like me I use them in my Cricut when I need to make small cuts.
My Blog:

Hi There! My name is Teresa Russell. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for a little over 38 years now. I consider that to be my greatest accomplishment in life. Together we have 3 grown children who have given us an amazing 7 grandchildren. These little people are the very existence of my life. I started scrapbooking when the oldest grandchild was born 16 years ago. I recently retired from a 17 year teaching career which has given me lots more time to craft and scrapbook. Currently, I also serve on the Design Team over at Cuttin' and Stampin'. I love all kinds of crafting and being on design teams helps me stretch my skills and knowledge of crafting techniques.
My favorite Crafty Tip: I recently started scrapbooking with "paper collections" instead of pulling matching papers together from my stash. So, my tip would be to keep all your scraps and embellishments of one collection together until you are absolutely sure you are finished using the paper and embellishments together.
My Blog: Fresh and Renewed
My Retail Site: Scrapping for Less

Hi, I'm Lynne from Pittsburgh, PA and proud grandma of 2 beautiful grandchildren!!! I've been a crafter it seems forever from when I was a little girl learning how to knit and crochet with my grandmother and my aunt; sitting under a quilting loom threading needles for Gram and the ladies at church; learning to sew, quilt, doll sculpting, counted cross stitch and now onto paper piecing with cards and lay-outs!!!! I guess you could say I'm a well-rounded gal in more ways than one!!!
My tip would be to let the project speak to you with the colors and papers and let the creative juices flow from there.

Hi, I'm Jennyfer from Ontario, Canada I am a SAHM of two little ones: a girl and a boy. I started scrapbooking about 6 years ago but then stopped since I did not find the inspiration and time. A few years later, I went to one of the craft shows and from there, I got hooked with stamping.  It's only been around 2 years since I became a card maker and my style has changed a lot.  Up until now, I love cute images, layering a lot and of course, coloring with my prismas colored pencils!!! I am so happy to be part of the SBC team and look forward to the journey of sharing tips, techniques and tutorials with everyone. On that note, my favorite crafty tip is to always have your pencils sharpened well before you start coloring else you won't have a well colored finished result. You can find me on my blog, Jennyfer Creates.

Our DT call ended Sept 30th, so I want to give a big thank you to the design team. They have done a lot of work in just one week getting everything ready for our launch party.  I am floored by all the great talent! 

Another thank you goes to Pinque Peacock. 

They are sponsoring our party blog hop today! For a chance to win these great prizes...

Pinque Peacock
$10 Gift Certificate

Pinque Peacock
6 Hope Buttons

A $10 gift certificate to the store and
 6 Pinque Hope buttons in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
You can shop their store and like them on facebook for more fun.

All you have to do is leave a comment tell us that you completed the hop, and we would love to have you follow us to see daily tips, techniques and tutorials!

Now that you got to read about the fun times at the SBC Facebook group and got to meet our Design Team, you can head over to MARILYN'S blog next to check out her favorite tutorial and blog.

Here is the entire line up order for you. Don't forget to comment on each blog, follow here at the club and on their blogs for a chance to win some great prizes!

10. Luisa-

Stop by the SBC Facebook Group and say hi to everyone.

Hope you have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by,
SBC Design Team- Sandy, Cindy, Luisa, Marilyn, Carolyn, Teresa, Cristina, Lynne and Jennyfer


  1. What an exciting new adventure! Congratulations to all the design team members! ~ Marilyn

  2. What a great start for a great Design Team!!!!
    Hugs, Love, and Friendship

  3. A lovely introduction and a great welcome to all the ladies here :-)

  4. Great tips! So excited to learn new techniques from you gals ;) !

  5. Congrats to all and thank You for a great hop:) disneynut 4 life 22 at yahoo dot com

  6. Going to live vicariously through everyone else. My BF knows I am craft impaired, but I love looking at everyone else's designs!

  7. I completed the hop and really enjoyed it! Thanks for all the wonderful projects.

    tderosa142 at gmail dot com

  8. So happy to be a part of such a wonderful group of talent. Thank you all for sharing your projects!

    L.E. Paper Studio
    ♥ ScrapBook Blessings Club DT ♥

  9. Will have to wait to do the blog hop later as we have visitors, so will pop back later!!

  10. I completed the hop! Please enter me.

  11. Congrats to all your DTs. Just completed the hop. All their creations are fabulous.

  12. Congratulations DT. I can't wait to see all of your projects. I was at the facebook event page tonight, and had lots of fun. Thanks so much for putting on the event.

    Smiles Sher

  13. I don't think that I was able to find the comment area here last night. Great to see the team and learn a bit about everyone. I'm excited to have found you and I had a blast at the party!


  14. It is an joy and so much fun working with you girls all ready. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
    Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day,
    ♥ Scrapbook Blessings Club DT ♥
    ♥ A Working Mom's Joy ♥

  15. wow those tips were really awesome! Looking forward to the hop from such a talented team!


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