Happy first day of April! I hope you had a blessed Easter! So I am sure that you have heard in the "bloggy world" that Google is getting rid of our Followers/ Button and Google Reader....APRIL FOOLS!!!! Just kidding, lol!!!! This change will take place July 1st so we all must adjust. I have looked at two major RSS servers, Bloglovin and Feedly. Bloglovin was very easy to transfer over and to add widget, very user friendly. Feedly was ehhh, lol. So to make a long story short, you can find the follow me through Bloglovin button on the left sidebar. I have to admit I kinda like how there isn't a "number" visible. I think many people will feel like they don't have to get the "followers" and can focus on blogging about what makes them...well...them. It makes gives us all an even playing field in this fish bowl, lol! Hope you have a blessed day and thanks for stopping by,