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Sunday Blessings Meme- My Church Family

BLESSINGS:the act or words of a person who blesses.
 special favor, mercy, or benefit: 
the blessings of liberty.
 favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing 
 invoking of God's favor upon a person: 
The son wasdenied his father's blessing.
 devotion; worship, especially 
grace said before ameal: The children took turns reciting the blessing.
  This week I am blessed by my church family. They are a wonderful group of people that I have surround myself with.  They speak words of edification and love always even in situations that are not good in my life.  There is no condemnation from them.  They are a giving body in the community and reach their hands outward throughout the world. Now a days your hear about how unloving, uncaring, hypocritical etc the "church" is but that is just a lie from satan.   The church is alive and strong, true believers know how to show the love of Christ.  Why should a couple of rotten apples ruin the basket?  We have a brain, we need to use it.  It is time to stop painting all churches and Christians with the same brush.   

  God even says,  "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth".  Rev 3:16  He also says, When the master of the house has locked the door, it will be too late. You will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Lord, open the door for us!' But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' Then you will say, 'But we ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets. And he will reply, 'I tell you, I don't know you or where you come from. Get away from me, all you who do evil.' Luke 13:25-27

  All that call themselves "Christian" are not.  To be a Christian is to have Jesus as Lord and Savior over your life.  He accepts us with all our sins and imperfections.  We are not made righteous in our power but through His blood.  That shed blood for us has open the door, torn the veil and has brought us in right standing in God.

8-10-12  I thought it would be fun it set this up as a meme.  I enjoy doing them, they are a fun tool to help you figure out what to write about on your blog.  I signed up for Linky so lets see if this works... Just click on Mister Linky, put in your name and blog post. I am hoping for 5 bloggers to join in my the end of the month.

Sunday Blessings is just that... What are you blessed by this Sunday?  Did God do something wonderful for you this past week that you would like to share? Your blessing just may encourage another sister in Christ. I believe we are more blessed that we will ever know.  To me, feeling blessed is feeling that I have received something good that I don't deserve and feeling thankful is the gratitude I have for receiving the blessings.


  1. You need to enable the sharing buttons on your posts. Go to settings->sharing->enable

    And turn off the CAPTCHA! My old eyes can't read them!

  2. I am so glad you are blessed to have a wonderful church family. We are "between" churches right now. Or as others call it, "church shopping". Being in the ministry for over 35 years it is so different being on the other side - We are looking forward to find a church to fellowship in and also be encouragers to the pastor and his wife. Keep us in your prayers as we heed to the Lord's leading in finding the church He desires for us to fellowship.

  3. okay Jen, what in the world is Captcha and I can't find share anywhere in the settings. Help!

    @Michele- the biggest factor other than the preaching and worship is whether or not I can get plugged in. When we were in search of a church, we looked to see that there was something for everyone so we can build up good Christian relationships. Praying that God leads you to a great church body where you can mentor and encourage those around you.


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