Do you make your own cards? They are easy to do and you can make a bunch for just pennies. I went to the store the other day and was shocked at how much a card was?!?!?! I wanted to show you a card fold that I just love! It is called a gatefold card and you see them around quite a bit. For this card, you can make it any size you want.
- I started with a 5 x10 piece of cardstock.
- Score in 2 1/2 " on either side, giving you a 5 inch base.
- Then cut you pattern paper a 1/4" shorter ie : cut (2) 2 1/4 and (1) 4 3/4
- Adhere the papers to the base
- Decorate the inside of your card
- Then cut a second piece of cardstock for "gate" part of your card
- I cut mine 3 x4
- Adhere it to the left flap of your base card
- Decorate/embellish it like you want
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