What’s happening in my home?….
In my kitchen… stuffed pork chops w/ stuffing and mashed potatoes, shrimp Alfredo and penne, baked chicken and cheesy potatoes, pizza night Friday and out to eat Saturday!... all suggestions from hubby and him working right along in the kitchen with me.
With our marriage… We both work full-time, we both do housework, we both cook, we both take care of the kids, he mows/I weed... we are truly a 50/50 couple and it works for us. Our five year anniversary is on the 29th. We have been blessed with five "wonderful" years. Trials were few but God was with us for each and every one of them, big and small.
With the children… we're in... potty training mode with our middle child, I can throw a temper tantrum mode with our youngest (little does she know) and "Mama, I'm going to big school this year" (kindergarten) with our oldest (tears for Mama with this one).
Around the homestead… winter advisory here, snow, snow, snow!!! The last of the Christmas decorations are coming down this week but I think the outside lights will be up for a while. There nooo way hubby is getting up on that roof anytime soon!
In my “Inner Man”…. I am reading the Bible in One Year and journal the scriptures and my thought daily. I'm very excited to do this!

Sounds like you are very busy! I just mentioned to John earlier this week that it was soon time for registration! It's hard to believe that Jessie's old enough for Kindergarten!