In Febuary, my parents went to Africa on a mission trip with our church. They were gone for two weeks. It was no pleasure trip in that they worked from the moment they got up until their heads touch the pillow at night.
Our local newspaper interviewed them and our pastor, and wrote an article about the trip. My mom's picture even made the front page which in it self is pretty cool if you ask me. God is so good and faithful. I can go on and on of how his hand was the the team and this trip.
Here is the article in the Vindicator...
Our local newspaper interviewed them and our pastor, and wrote an article about the trip. My mom's picture even made the front page which in it self is pretty cool if you ask me. God is so good and faithful. I can go on and on of how his hand was the the team and this trip.
Here is the article in the Vindicator...
How awesome! I think it's amazing and inspiring that they did that trip! I can't wait to hear it all first hand in May!